
Business ideas - how to sell something like that PT Barnum

Business ideas - how to sell something like that PT Barnum

Business ideas - how to sell something like that PT Barnum

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Evan Carmichael explains how you can sell and promote and display your company as the greatest American showman, PT Barnum.

"Without promotion something terrible happens ... Nothing!" - PT Barnum

For more information: http://www.evancarmichael.com/Famous-Entrepreneurs/1024/summary.php and http://community.telustalksbusiness.com/blogs/talk_business/2010/06/08/how-to .. .

The American showman, a businessman and Entertainment - Vince Taylor Barnum (April 7, 1891 July 5, 1810). Above all, the Labour Party and Barnum vendor and promoter who managed to get people talking. Today, the legacy of his life in the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, still presented as "the greatest on earth."

When he started PT Barnum of work, there was strong competition that many business owners have created special interest tours. He knew that the circus is to succeed he needs to get interested in this subject is very different from everyone.

Job # 1: to sell something unique

How to really stack against your competitors? Are you truly that different? If you are with the average company selling the product at an average price average, and then guess what you get? The average results.

To achieve success, you must be a point (or points) differentiation. There must be something that is not noticeable to people who do not understand your industry. In the circus you get good performance and Barnum came out of the party workers on his way to find the best. The sirens of the Siamese twins Chang and Fiji Eng Bunker, General Tom Thumb in PT Barnum Midget is a unique product that none of his rivals could match.

I think, if potential customers find your site and five sites of your competitors. They feel very different? Be honest with yourself and if the answer is "not really", and then it was time to go to work to create a presentation that is truly unique in your field,

Action No. 2: To promote, encourage and promote

You can have the best product or service in the world, but if one does not know about it, and your business will not last very long. Whichever market you're selling a lot of competitors at risk. Even if you have a product or service of better quality, and can get more business from your competitors if you are promoting yourself correctly. To be a successful entrepreneur you need to provide both unique (Action No. 1) and promotion so that everyone knows.

One of my favorite quotes PT Barnum is "without something terrible happening to promote ... nothing!" If you were not promoting and selling your product, while your competitors by taking customers from you even if you can offer them a better choice. If you are not promoting lose and lose your customers.

Action Item No. 3: Show yourself

People like to buy people, not companies. Thinking about your experiences shopping. Would you buy one you can see in the pictures, and get to know their history, and relate their experiences? Or do you buy that ABC uses the same gallery photos and important data as boring everyone?

PT Barnum did a great job, not only to strengthen its work, but the same part of it. He was the founder of creation that everyone was talking and I wanted to know more about.

Concluding remarks

How will you promote your business? Do you have large projects to promote this year? As always, I love to hear your thoughts if you leave a comment below!

Business ideas - how to sell something like that PT Barnum