
Matt Mahoney - - TEDxAshokaU 2/19/10

Matt Mahoney - - TEDxAshokaU 2/19/10

Matt Mahoney - - TEDxAshokaU 2/19/10

Matt founded and based on the idea that everyone is an expert in something, and everyone is a consultant for a person, every day seeking to build networks most comprehensive guide to employment thats written by real people. The idea is to help everyone answer the question, what it is like this work?
In 2007, Matt founded Endeavour prep, a consulting firm to assist in the career of young professionals to design and work life thats truly worth living. It was a professional facilitator at the World Summit for Youth to the State of the World Forum in NYC public schools, and the Foundation of the National Service and the Ministry of Defence.
Matt holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California, cognitive and an MBA from Harvard Business School, Arthur Rock, where he was a fellow pilot.

About TEDx, o = organization of this event independently in the spirit of the ideas that are worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local events, and self-organization that brings people together to share experience, such as Ted.
TEDx in an event and live video TEDTalks speakers combine to create an in-depth discussions and access to a small group. These self-organized local events TEDx brand, where X = the independent event organized by the Ted.
Ted Conference provides general guidelines for the program TEDx, but individual events and self-regulation TEDx .* (* subject to certain rules and regulations)

Matt Mahoney - - TEDxAshokaU 2/19/10