
Make Money Ideas at school | business ideas

  1. Make quick money on campus can be easy.
    Make quick money on campus can be easy.
    Students are always short of cash available. They are also always looking for some "get rich quick". Some may involve a small investment, whereas others require time, patience and the ability to organize an event on campus.
  2. Bake sale

  3. Students are always willing to pay for a sugar rush.
    Students are always willing to pay for a sugar rush.
    Organize a bake sale is a fun process and it has the potential to put some good money. Gather a group and stay until the end of baking cupcakes, cookies, pies and brownies. The next day, setting up a booth at the school and sell your goodies. You can make a good profit on it even after you've shared your group.
  4. Sell Candy

  5. A small investment can turn a good profit in the long term.
    A small investment can turn a good profit in the long term.
    Candy case go for about $ 60 and have the potential to earn three times that amount. Sell each bar of chocolate or a bag of sweets for at least one dollar (most go for two) and make your initial investment back in a few days.
  6. Auctions

  7. Put up posters around the school asking for donations. Any single piece can be auctioned. You can auction off people, as well --- for example, a date with the cheerleader's head or baseball star. Charge a nominal fee for entry and give the actual product auctions to a particular cause. If you have a paper ticket, you can set up a raffle and pick a winner at the end of the night.
  8. Potluck

  9. Organizing a potluck for admission and payment. A potluck is a great way to make friends and their families, and mingle. Each student's family may be asked to bring a dish as original and creative contribution. Charge upwards of five dollars per family or per person cost for a higher salary.

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